1. Addresses all kinds of brokenness and hurt
Changing culture and technology means that teens will always face new struggles, and youth leaders can easily become overwhelmed trying to address them all at the surface. By keeping the focus on the root issues underlying all struggles, re:generation for students simplifies and narrows your focus.
2. Designed to make disciples
The goal of re:generation for students is not just to shake off some troublesome habit, but to develop full devotion to Christ. Students are encouraged to get involved at church and connect with God daily through Bible reading and prayer.
3. People are actively seeking help for their hurting teens
The desperation felt by parents of teenagers with struggles like substance abuse or mental illness has led to a high demand for anything offering hope—and there are few biblical ministries available for hurting teens.
4. Acts as a bridge to reach parents
Parents who bring their children to re:generation for students often become involved in the church themselves, especially if an adult re:generation program runs during the same time slot.
5. Works proactively rather than reactively
Even struggling teenagers have lots of life ahead that can be turned around if they learn the principles of biblical recovery now. Moving upstream to invest in the spiritual health of students is more effective in the long run than waiting until they are hurting adults with much more destruction in their wake.
6. Requires student buy-in
Life change requires a willing heart, and re:generation for students is designed to lead teens to surrender ownership of their decisions, their healing, and their faith to Christ.
7. Designed to multiply
Teenagers trust their peers much more than they trust adults. The final step, “Go and Share,” helps students share their stories with others, becoming a compelling means of reaching a hard-to-reach generation.