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Newly Married Community

Foundation Groups

Foundation Groups FAQ

Check out these answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

When did Foundation Groups start?

The first Foundation Groups began at Watermark Community Church way back in 2002. They arose out of a need for intentional community among newly married couples. We added the logo in 2010.

What is the meaning behind the name?

The first few years of marriage are often incredibly difficult, and without community and support, even more so. Couples need an intentional environment to focus on laying a foundation to build their marriage on. Foundation Groups provide just that. As the couples establish this solid foundation for their marriage, we hope they become more like Jesus, experience healthy community, grow in oneness with their spouse, and learn to live on mission with their life and marriage. We want couples to build their lives and marriages on the solid rock foundation of Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:24-27).

What is the commitment required for participation in Foundation Groups?

The best Foundation Groups will get together 4-6 times per month. They meet twice per month in the home of the leader couple to walk through the curriculum and then 2-4 additional times each month for accountability, social connection and service. At the very least, groups should plan on a weekly commitment.

How are couples matched to form Foundation Groups?

Couples are matched by looking at several factors, including: age and stage of life, geographical location, preferences for which night works best to meet, and if any prior relationships/friendships exist.

How can I start Foundation Groups at my church?

First, read the Foundation Groups Launch Guide. If you have a question not covered by the Launch Guide, please email us or get in contact below!


Does it have to be 15 months?
Technically no, but the goal should not be to fast track the process. The aim of Foundation Groups is to walk with newlywed couples through a significant part of their early years of marriage.

What are the qualifications for a Foundation Group mentor couple?
A mentor couple is at least one life stage ahead of the participant couples. Usually, a minimum of 5 years of marriage is required. Kids are not a requirement. Mentor couples should model faithfulness and passion for marriage. Mentor couples are shepherds and pastors; they step into hard conversations. Mentor couples will have an initial training day and can call coaches and staff for questions and in crisis.

What does the Foundation Group curriculum look like?
The curriculum is put in place as a guide for your group. It is not meant to restrict your group. Groups can feel free to travel outside of the set curriculum to discuss the day to day issues that come up. Here is a general overview of what is covered:

  • Community
  • A Biblical View of Marriage
  • Communication & Conflict
  • Finances & Stewardship
  • Physical Intimacy
Foundation Groups Testimony Highlight

You can't have a solid marriage without a solid foundation. This is where you need to start.

Recently, we sat down with couples who have been in a Foundation Group. We asked them to talk about their experiences. Here's what they shared.

Didn't answer all of your questions?

Fill out this contact form to let us know how we can best help you and one of our team members will reply as soon as possible.